torsdag 11. juni 2009

zhe games

ah, it's good to be back! I have had a couple of games over at the Stronghold. One with WoC vs Bretonnia, I got my ass kicked, baaadly, and another with WoC vs VC. This was a a bloody fight! All that was left when the VC player gave up on my turn 6 was his varghulf, my 4 man strong unit of Chaos Knights and my Sorcerer Lord.
And today I had my first real game in a very long time. TK vs Empire. It was very close, but as I grabed 3 table quarters I ended up with a minor victory! Victory for the Empire! If you are lucky, you might even get a report from one of them ;)



mandag 25. mai 2009

I'm back

Yes I am! I took up the paint brush only a copple of days ago, and hope to be back for full now!

Now, what I really hate, is mould lines. First of all, they look bad, second, they are a pain in the ass for get rid of. But the worst? To have worked long to get rid of them, then paint them, and THEN, and only then, you see someone you missed... Not funny at all... Oh well, back cutting them off I guess...



torsdag 5. mars 2009


Yes, we have an update. Not much I'm afraid, a pic of my finished Greatswords which I thought was lost, but here it is! Also there is some WiP pics of my test Marauder Horsemen, and my Sorcerer Lord.


C&C welcomed with thanks!



mandag 2. februar 2009

Those dice are cursed...

Yes they are. I played against Bjarne, 2250, I used WoC vs his TK. My Dragon Ogre Shaggot, 5 attacks hitting on 3+, I get 1,2,1,2,2... Casting a spell on 3 dice, I get 1,1,1, epic miscast... Luckily the result wasn't to bad. I was worse the first time I miscast, I get 8 (I think), and he can cast a spell. Casket goes off, and (of course) I fail to dispel, so my 2 last Ogres are eaten up. I don't think I have seen so much 1s and 2s in a game before... It ended in a draw though. He got ca 1900 VP from me, I got ca 1600. All that was left on the field was his Tomb Guards with his Tomb King, my warshrine and Dragon Ogre Shaggot.

Fater that we took a quick battle 500p. I used WoC again, he used DE. Ended in a minor voctory for me. We both made some mistakes, and in the end it was only my General (Sorcerer on disc) and his 19 Spearelves left. the rest of his army did my sorcerer eat up.

lørdag 31. januar 2009

the end is near

And I am done! ^^, All of the 10 GS are now painted. First thing tomorrow I will varnish the 3 last models and base them all. I'll try to get a pic too ^^,



søndag 25. januar 2009


Today I got 1 game against Bretonnia at 2250 pts, and I lost, badly... I have to shoot those grail knights next time... After turn 6 was over not a single dwarf stood left on the field... But I will have my vengeance next time.

The month is soon coming to an end, and I have the GS command and one more GS to finish off. I have to paint like cracy (well, for me to be that is...). 4 is 100% finished, and 2 more only need some miner things to be done, I'll do that tomorrow as well as try to finish of the last RnF GS, he is half painted already, so shouldn't be too hard (I hope...)



tirsdag 20. januar 2009

And we have an update!

Indeed we have! No pictures though, when it's not so cloudy I'll try to take some so that my lamp won't shine so much on them...

Anyway, I have completed 2 more, so I now have a total of 4 finished GS! It is going forward. I have also started on 3 more, so in not to long I hope to have 7 finished, leaving only the command (woho!) Back to painting the I guess!

